No High Rise Towers in Five Dock

The commercial centre of Five Dock along Great North Road is currently (as of August 2024) zoned for buildings of 15 to 17 metres, which amounts to a current maximum height of about five storeys.

In its agenda for the council meeting on 21st May 2024, the council published a planning proposal for 171-179 Great North Road & 1A-1B Henry Street, Five Dock. This land, owned by the Anglican Church, includes multiple heritage listed buildings. The heritage listing also covers the garden. The planning proposal was backed by Traders In Purple, a property development group appointed by the landowner, the Anglican Property Trust. It proposed to allow two towers of at least twenty storeys, and possibly more with additional 30% height bonus for 15% affordable housing under a new government program. A significant portion of the heritage will be lost. See more on the planning proposal.

Then in the council meeting some councillors were absent and others declared that they had a conflict of interest, so there was not a quorum to consider the matter. It was clear to me that there was no appetite for the proposal because twenty storeys or more would be so out of keeping with Five Dock as it is now. Ultimately, the proposal was forwarded to the government with the council staff’s recommendation that the proposal be refused. It has since been considered by the Eastern Planning Panel who I understand are considering acceptance of one 15 storey tower.

Like a large majority of people in Five Dock, the Canada Bay Greens don’t support this development. Despite the new metro train line which is being built with a stop in Five Dock, it is disrespectful of heritage and out of context with the scale of the area around it.

Watch this space.