To the Honourable the President and Members of the NSW Legislative Council, this petition of certain citizens of NSW notes that:

The NSW Government has announced major changes to planning in the City of Canada Bay. While the objectives of the plans are worthwhile, these plans will lead to:

  • six to nine storey apartment buildings next to single storey houses due to poor planning rules;
  • substantially reduced new affordable housing which will last for only 15 years;
  • over-riding of heritage listings which will put at risk about 80% of Canada Bay LGA’s heritage buildings;
  • lax rules on tree protection making it impossible for Canada Bay to increase its tree canopy;
  • throwing out the council’s planning informed by previous community consultation.

Your petitioners support the intention of the NSW Government’s plan, and the need for action to address the housing crisis. However, we request the following improvements:

  • Proper development planning rules;
  • Permanent affordable housing at a rate of 5% of new dwellings, comparable to affordable housing provision rates in other programs across Canada Bay;
  • Maintaining full standards for the protection of heritage and trees;
  • Government to commit to providing necessary infrastructure to match the increased future population, including additional green space, trains, buses, roads, schools (especially a new high school) and more.

Petition: Liveable development in Canada Bay

To the Honourable the President and Members of the NSW Legislative Council, this petition of certain citizens of NSW notes that:

The NSW Government has announced major changes to planning in the City of Canada Bay. While the objectives of the plans are worthwhile, these plans will lead to:

♦ six to nine storey apartment buildings next to single storey houses due to poor planning rules;
♦ substantially reduced new affordable housing which will last for only 15 years;
♦ over-riding of heritage listings which will put at risk about 80% of Canada Bay LGA’s heritage buildings
♦ lax rules on tree protection making it impossible for Canada Bay to increase its tree canopy
♦ throwing out the council’s planning informed by previous community consultation.

Your petitioners support the intention of the NSW Government\'s plan, and the need for action to address the housing crisis. However, we request the following improvements:

♦ Proper development planning rules;
♦ Permanent affordable housing at a rate of 5% of new dwellings, comparable to affordable housing provision rates in other programs across Canada Bay;
♦ Maintaining full standards for the protection of heritage and trees;
♦ Government to commit to providing necessary infrastructure to match the increased future population, including additional green space, trains, buses, roads, schools (especially a new high school) and more.

%%your signature%%

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20 signatures

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Latest Signatures
Mrs. Jane E.
Jul 26, 2024
Ms. Ayesha P.
Jul 26, 2024
Jul 26, 2024
Mr. Xin C.
Jul 25, 2024
Mrs. Sian S.
Jul 24, 2024
Mr. Venu T.
Jul 18, 2024
Ms. Gloria Y.
Jul 17, 2024
Mr. Alex B.
Jul 17, 2024
Ms. Colleen C.
Jul 16, 2024
Ms. Denise G.
Jul 16, 2024
Dr. Mersina P.
Jul 09, 2024
Ms. Rolf M.
Jun 22, 2024
Dr. Stephen H.
Jun 17, 2024
Mr. Sundar M.
Jun 08, 2024
Mr. Frank M.
Jun 08, 2024
Mr. Neil S.
Jun 04, 2024
Ms. Jan F.
Jun 03, 2024
Ms. Deborah H.
Jun 01, 2024
Ms. Pauline T.
May 29, 2024
Mr. Charles J.
May 26, 2024
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Canada Bay Greens will respect your privacy – your email address will only be used to provide updates on this issue.

See more on the NSW government’s proposed changes.