Canada Bay Greens announce council election team

Councillor Charles Jago and Dr Tailoi Ling - Council election candidates
Councillor Charles Jago and Dr Tailoi Ling

Canada Bay Greens is running a team of local residents for the upcoming local Council elections to be held on Saturday, 14 September 2024.
Our candidates are current councillor and candidate for mayor Charles Jago with Dr Tailoi Ling (pictured above), as well as Neil Smith, Pauline Tyrrell and Tony Adams (more detail on candidates below).

Key campaign issues

  • NSW Government plans for increased density
  • A new public high school for Canada Bay
  • Increasing train services on the T9 Northern line
  • Increasing social and affordable housing
  • Playing fields for the planned Rhodes Public School.

Canada Bay Greens team

Charles Jago, a councillor since 2017, is a long-term local. His key concerns include planning, transport, education, libraries and sustainability. His professional experience includes the energy, information technology, adult education and community development sectors.

Neil Smith
Neil Smith

Dr Tailoi Ling, a Canada Bay resident for over 50 years, is an ophthalmology scientist and member of Council’s environment advisory committee for 8 years, Her passions include Tai Chi, choir, and Zumba; her concerns include more infrastructure to support housing and urban food production.

Former Councillor Pauline Tyrrell
Former Councillor Pauline Tyrrell

Neil Smith, a 32 year Canada Bay resident, is an engineer working locally in the rail industry. He is a long-term environmentalist and a keen cyclist.

Pauline Tyrrell, during her 12 years as a Greens Councillor on Canada Bay Council, championed residents’ rights and lobbied for environmental and climate action programs, as well as a new primary school for Concord West. She is now active in in Canada Bay Bushcare and Choir.

Tony Adams
Tony Adams

Tony Adams works in finance and is completing a Masters in Environmental Science.

More on the top issue

Canada Bay Greens support liveable residential development that increases trees, open space, preserves heritage buildings and plans for infrastructure that will be needed. We support well-planned new medium density housing in Canada Bay LGA – “building up, not out” – because the alternative is cutting down forests including koala habitat on the outskirts of Sydney and converting farmland into urban sprawl.

However, the NSW Government plans for increased density are a huge local issue. Their plans for greater density in areas around train stations and shopping centres have concerned residents who are likely to be affected by large scale property developments.

But simply giving the developers what they want won’t deliver the results that the government is promising. Good planning for the future means anticipating more schools, bigger hospitals, better transport links, more community facilities and setting aside green recreational space. And the Greens recognise that more affordable housing is needed to reduce housing stress, particularly for young people, disadvantaged people and recent migrants.

Please sign our petition calling for improvements to the government’s plans.

How you can help

Volunteer: Send us an email at mentioning your interests and skills.

Donate to our council campaign.

Also see details of our election launch on 16th June.