Canada Bay Greens are fielding a diverse team of candidates for the upcoming Council elections on 9 September.
Heading the team is Charles Jago who is also running as the Greens mayoral candidate. He is supported Alysha Hardy, James Okeby, Pauline Tyrrell and Steve Maxwell.
During the 30 years Charles has lived in the Council area, his children were educated locally and competed in local sports teams. As a long-time Greens member he has been involved in such campaigns as saving the foreshore walk around Concord Hospital, improving public transport services, preserving Cabarita Park and more recently in fighting against forced council mergers.
Reinforcing Charles is three-term Greens councillor Pauline Tyrrell who has championed residents’ rights by promoting the building of a new primary school in Concord West, expanding the bush care program and cleaning up the Parramatta River foreshore. Pauline is retiring as councillor but will still stand on the Canada Bay Greens ticket.
Charles commented, “I am really proud to be following on from Pauline who has done a great job in her twelve years as a councillor.”
Alysha Hardy and James Okeby have first-hand experience of affordable housing issues for young people as well as being passionate about providing more accessible services for elderly and disabled persons in our community. The final candidate Steve Maxwell is a local resident who represented the Greens in the battle to stop the Clyde Waste-transfer dump in Auburn. Currently retired, his interests lie in supporting the Arts, local Greens campaigns and reviving ‘Speakers corner’ in the Sydney Domain.
As local residents, the Greens team oppose unsustainable residential overdevelopment and support maintaining open spaces and community buildings. The Greens have consistently opposed any forced merger of Canada Bay with Strathfield and Burwood Councils because surveys have shown that the majority of residents do not want a merger. Ensuring good public bus services also has a high priority and the Greens will fight to ensure that buses are not privatised, that existing services are not reduced and that local bus routes are improved to better suit residents’ needs.
More information: view the Greens campaign flyer.