Concord West

By Councillor Charles Jago

On this page:

  • Government “Low and medium rise housing” changes
  • Notes on current developments
  • Other notes on development applications (DAs) and planning proposals.
  • Updates
Concord West letter on NSW government housing plans
Concord West letter on NSW government housing plans

This page covers Information about recent NSW government plans for greater housing density. There are multiple government proposals. I support well-planned new medium density housing in Canada Bay LGA – “building up, not out” – because the alternative is cutting down forests including koala habitat on the outskirts of Sydney and converting farmland into urban sprawl. I recently distributed a letter to Concord West residents outlining some of the government’s proposals and raising my concerns about them.

Government “Low and medium rise housing” changes

The proposed NSW government changes will allow increased density within 800 metres of a railway station and some shopping centres. In medium density (R3) zones – that’s the deep purple area on the map – those changes will allow greater height to apartment blocks, with six storeys allowed within 400m and four storeys within 800m. In low density residential zones, they will allow more duplexes, terraces, town houses and single-block, two-storey apartment buildings (called “manor houses”).

Proposed NSW government changes with current zoning
Proposed NSW government changes with current zoning

The government is hoping to start these programs this year, so major changes will be coming quickly. The council can’t change these government policies.

Details of the changes

There are DRAFT changes that affect residential areas (zoned R2) and changes that affect medium density areas (zoned R3). The first stage of these changes was to allow duplexes in R2 areas – but that was already allowed in Canada Bay LGA. Note that NONE of the other changes are yet final. However, it is unlikely that they can be stopped due to strict state government policy implementations already in progress.

The draft changes for residential areas will allow terraces, townhouses and two-storey apartment blocks near transport hubs and town centres up to 800m from the station. This is shown on the map in pink (up to 400m) and light violet (between 400m and 800m). This covers part of Bengalla Road down along the train line to Queen Street at the corner of Gracemere Street, and also crosses Concord Road. 

The draft changes for medium density areas will allow apartments in R3 zones to be taller. In the map, R3 is shown as dark purple, and overlaps both the pink 400m area around Concord West station and the area between 400m and 800m shown in light violet – this is the one that crosses over Concord Road. 

Where the purple R3 zoning overlaps the pink up to 400m from the station, the draft proposals will allow six storey apartments. That’s parts of Victoria Ave near Concord Road, Queen Street between Yaralla and Concord Avenue, Stuart Street, part of Cavendish, part of the station side of Mackenzie and also Consett Street between Hillier and Victoria Avenue.

Where the purple R3 zoning overlaps the violet between 400m and 800m from the station, the draft proposals will allow four storey apartments. That’s parts of Victoria Ave, part of Cavendish St, part of the station side of Mackenzie St, the station side of Burke, Consett from Yaralla to Hillier, part of Queen Street near Hillier and the northern side of Hillier Street. Also along parts of Concord Road and possibly pieces on the other side of Concord Road.

Note: the proposed four and six-storey buildings could provide the area a much needed option for affordable housing.

Again, note that these are still draft proposals. The information here is not certain and may change in some ways. People should get qualified advice before making any decisions about their property.

Impacts of the changes

Like most people, I want to see the housing crisis resolved. However, the government’s plan will impact the liveability and amenity of our area. The proposed plans will:

  • Overload traffic access into the area along George Street (for people on the western side of the railway line).
  • Encourage many apartments and single houses side by side because of poorly-written proposed rules.
  • Lead to a greater loss of trees and habitat destruction;
  • Increase the infrastructure gap in green space, trains, buses, roads, schools, health and more.
  • Put around 80% of heritage buildings at risk across Canada Bay LGA by ways of redevelopment. That’s unacceptable.
  • Introduce “cookie cutter” rules which throw out past community consultation and the council’s planning prep both done and underway.

Government “Transport oriented development” changes

The Department of Planning, Infrastructure and Housing (DPHI) plans to rezone a large area of Strathfield, Homebush, North Strathfield and Concord West, on the Homebush side of the train line, as shown on the map above. It includes Rothwell Avenue in Concord West. See the rezoning proposal home page, the master plan, and the Explanation of Intended Effect documents.

DPHI density report p.59 – proposed Homebush precinct building heights

The main density has been placed along George Street just west of the station, with substantial height and density increases up to Rothwell Avenue. The maximum heights for each block are shown in the table below. Many of these changes bleed into the Strathfield LGA; still drastically important, but unable to be changed by Canada Bay Greens policy.

The main problem with this planis that the government’s consultants have picked a highly traffic-constrained location to massively increase density. George Street already grinds to a halt multiple times a day with traffic queues that span hundreds of metres. This density goes far beyond any traffic plans ever contemplated for the neighbourhood. The consultant’s report only proposes creating a single new street to solve this massive increase in traffic.

NSW government rezoning map for a large area of Strathfield, Homebush, North Strathfield and Concord West.
NSW government rezoning map with precinct boundaries across a large area of Strathfield, Homebush, North Strathfield, and Concord West.

My concerns

I have strong doubts that these changes will actually increase housing supply for those who are struggling to afford it, without a substantial government commitment to more social and affordable housing and improvements for renters.
Despite public criticism, governmental major changes are coming anyway. As a Greens councillor, I support the Government’s idea to build up, not out. However, I am calling for:

  • Government to let the council improve the proposed planning rules in consultation with the community.
  • Liveable suburbs. Existing proper protections for heritage and the environment must continue, as well as a significant proportion of permanent affordable and social housing.
  • The government’s funding and development of more infrastructure in green space, public transport, roads and schools – especially a new public high school and a major upgrade for the T9 Northern train line.

Note that government rezoning does not force anybody to sell their property. However, it is very likely that some owners will sell to take advantage of increased housing values. It will still affect your street.

Notes on current developments

As of 11th July 2024.

1 King Street, Concord West (old Westpac site)

This site is currently zoned industrial, and is also specifically mentioned in Canada Bay Council’s Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS – which sets out the strategic planning intentions for Canada Bay as a whole) as a site of future importance.

In the council’s December 2023 meeting, councillors discussed a planning proposal from Billbergia, who propose to build 10 buildings ranging from 4 to 12 storeys with over 700 dwellings in a range of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom apartments and townhouses. Councillors supported the proposal subject to some significant changes to scale and environmental controls, which would reduce the development to about 600 dwellings. The planning proposal is still with the NSW Government waiting on a “gateway approval” before going on public exhibition.

7 Concord Avenue, Concord West (Paintball/Go Kart site – flood zone)

This site is currently zoned industrial. A previous planning proposal for residential development at 7 Concord Avenue was rejected on 28 April 2021 by the Eastern Planning Panel, on the basis of major flooding problems.

A second residential planning proposal was now been put forward, for 7 buildings from 7 to ten storeys comprising 324 apartments. This proposal was rejected by councillors at the 18th June 2024 council meeting. Although this planning proposal had massive problems, the owners have since lodged a review with the Eastern Planning Panel.

At the same time, the owners are also pursuing a development application lodged 3/4/2024 under the existing zoning for “integrated development including proposed demolition of existing buildings, construction of 68 industrial units, tree removal, installation of infrastructure and landscaping.” It is expected to go to the Eastern Planning Panel.

25 George Street, North Strathfield

The developer is seeking approval to add 3 storeys to the front building and one storey to each of the two back buildings, amounting to an additional 41 apartments and a new total of 186 apartments. Apparently, the intention is to get a 30% bonus due to the government’s new rules. This is still being reviewed by council staff. With significant opposition, it is then expected to go to the Eastern Planning Panel.

Other notes on development applications (DAs) and planning proposals

A development application (DA) is an application for demolition, construction or renovation under existing zoning, submitted by or on behalf of an owner. It could also be a request to allow the usage of the building to be changed, eg. from residential to business use.

A planning proposal is a document that requests permission to amend the Local Environmental Plan (LEP), the council’s key planning document. The planning proposal may be a request to alter land uses through rezoning and/or amend the development standards, such as height of building, floor space ratio, heritage, additional permitted uses, or other clauses. A planning proposal is the first step in making an amendment to the LEP through the Department of Planning and Environment Gateway Process.

Council staff receive and report on all DAs and planning proposals.

Contested DAs (eg at least ten unique objections) are determined by the “Local Planning Panel”, which deals with Canada Bay DAs but is not actually local, because it is composed mostly of people recruited by the NSW Government and works to rules determined entirely by the NSW government. Their decisions are based on whether a development follows the government rules, not the actual merit of the development.

DAs valued at over $30 million go from staff to the Eastern Planning Panel.

All planning proposals are determined by councillors, with accepted planning proposals going to the government who can then veto or change them. Proponents of planning proposals rejected by Canada Bay Council can still take their planning proposal to the Eastern Planning Panel, who may accept it with whatever changes they wish to make.


16th July 2024: the government has published its Transport Oriented Development Rezoning Proposal. It’s sparse, with basically no detail – but it has a map. It’s on public exhibition for a month starting today. I’ll try to get more info.

Related links

Huge planning rules changes will create problems across Canada Bay LGA

Overdevelopment in Canada Bay

North Strathfield