Federal Election 2022 – Reid

Charles Jago is the Greens candidate for Reid
Charles Jago with David Shoebridge, the Greens lead Senate candidate for NSW

In this election, the Greens offer real action on climate, taxing the billionaires, full dental and mental into Medicare, fixing the broken housing market and continuing to be a voice for public accountability. And more…

We need a 75% emissions reduction target by 2030 and net zero by 2035. We also need a jobs guarantee for workers currently in fossil fuel industries so that as we shift to a renewable economy, no worker is left behind.

Key links

Read the Greens platform in Chinese, Italian, Korean, Hindi, Greek, Tagalog, Vietnamese and more languages. Or an Auslan video.

See the Greens 2022 election platform – it has information on many key Greens policies in this election.

Information on lead NSW Senate candidate David Shoebridge and other NSW federal candidates.

Canada Bay Greens Facebook page

Reid election flyer

Greens “How to Vote” for Reid and the Senate

Greens “How to Vote” for Watson and the Senate

Greens “How to Vote” for Blaxland and the Senate

Greens “How to Vote” for Grayndler and the Senate

Out of area voting: information on voting for those registered to vote outside of Reid – in any electorate in Australia.

Donate to the Greens campaign in Reid. Note this is a specific page for donating specifically to the Greens’ Reid campaign.

Message from Charles

Hi, I’m Charles Jago, your Greens candidate for Reid.

As a candidate in this federal election, I want government to address the critical issues – climate, government integrity, Medicare that includes dental and mental health, housing for everyone and justice for First Nations, women and refugees.

As a councillor since 2017 and former Deputy Mayor of Canada Bay Council, I have focused on practical ways to implement more sustainable council policies.

For example, I have promoted initiatives such as ensuring that new large developments include electric vehicle charging facilities, that new and renovated buildings meet higher building efficiency standards, and that council move to 100% renewable electricity. I have highlighted issues including overdevelopment and insufficient public high school places.

My prior professional experience includes IT, community development, the energy industry and adult education. Currently, I also teach English in the community as a volunteer.

I first joined the Greens while working in the energy industry because I was concerned about climate change – not enough was being done. Many years later, the key changes remain undone.

Horrific climate change is now taking off. In this country and globally we have already seen frightening bushfires and floods. Unless we limit climate change to a 1.5 degree temperature increase, it will cause untold damage. The policies of Liberals, Nationals and Labor will see the Barrier Reef destroyed

Today, we can choose action to avoid catastrophic climate change, or we can choose action to gain the unprecedented economic opportunity it offers Australia in business, industry and exports. Either way, we must leave coal and gas in the ground and transition our entire economy to zero carbon, getting to 75% of net zero by 2030. Whatever targets we adopt, it’s still a race.

The major parties aren’t responding effectively to extreme climate events like bushfires and floods, but we need results within a decade. Only by ensuring that any successful party must negotiate on legislation will we enable real change in policies.

In this election, vote to put the Greens in the balance of power, starting with David Shoebridge as a second Greens senator for NSW. In the NSW Parliament, David has highlighted NSW government rorts and the need for First Nations justice. He will make a huge contribution in the Senate.

Greens policies will develop renewable energy, lower electricity prices, create employment and transition our economy to zero carbon. Our fully costed policies include housing for all; an inclusive Medicare system that includes dental and mental health; and free education for all Australians. Finally, justice for First Nations, women and refugees will lay the foundation for an Australia we will all be proud of.

Campaign posts

Charles Jago in Daily Telegraph climate picnic article [12/4/2022]

Transport issues [9/4/2022]