Update 29/9/2021: Council rejected this planning proposal last night.
However, the developer will now likely take it to the NSW govt to try to bypass Council.
A new planning proposal on the western side of Concord West station has been lodged with Canada Bay Council, for consideration at the council meeting next Tuesday 28th September 2021. Affecting properties on King Street, Station Avenue, Victoria Avenue West, and on George Street, north of (and including) 33 George and 186 George Street. Click on the map below for a higher resolution version.

The proposal will seek to rezone those areas for 8 and 12 storey buildings.
Read the council’s staff report to the Council meeting, and the developer’s planning proposal.
Other documents:
- Attachment C – Urban Design Report
- Attachment D – Flood Report
- Attachment E – Stormwater and Flood Management Strategy
- Attachment F – Transport Plan
- Attachment G (1) – Intersection Design
- Attachment G (2) – Intersection Design – Bill of Quantities
- Attachment H – Heritage Impact Statement
- Attachment I – Social and Economic Impact Assessment
- Attachment J – Feasibility Assessment
- Attachment K – Contamination
- Attachment L – Due Diligence
- Attachment M – Site Survey
- Attachment N – Applicable Land Area
- Attachment P – LPP Planning Proposal Minutes – 16 08 21
The Council report recommends against acceptance of the planning proposal, and councillors will probably refuse it. However, the developers will no doubt then send their proposal to the NSW Government, who have the power to accept it. Again, this proposal conflicts with the government’s recent plan pushed onto Council in May, but might succeed with enough political influence.
This proposal will put pressure on all our local residents, create massive traffic issues and change the character of the area. Outrageous, but once again developers have the scales loaded in their favour.